Expert panel concludes high-quality supplements containing plant extract native to Southeastern U.S. can be used to address symptoms for men with enlarged prostates
LAKE MARY, FLA. – An international panel of seven leading urologists from North America and Europe reviewed over 50 original clinical research studies and developed seven consensus statements outlined in their paper “Rethinking the Role of Saw Palmetto Extract for Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in North America,” which was recently published in the journal Uro.
The group concluded that a high-quality saw palmetto extract, also known as lipidosterolic extract of Serenoa repens and available as a natural dietary supplement, should be considered as an option for men with mild-to-moderate lower urinary tract symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate.
“Across the globe, there has been a lack of consensus with regards to the effectiveness of saw palmetto extract resulting in differing recommendations by health organizations around the world,” said Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt, one of the co-authors and board-certified urologist. “The goal of this expert panel was to contribute to our collective understanding of the science and generate discussion about the role a high-quality saw palmetto extract can play in men’s health.”
The berry produced by saw palmetto palm trees native to the Southeastern U.S. is the most studied natural ingredient for prostate health. However, the primary challenge influencing how urologists view saw palmetto supplements in patient care has been the variability of quality of products, especially those commonly found on store shelves in the United States.
The panel highlighted that the current evidence suggests that high-quality lipidosterolic extracts with a profile defined by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) monograph, like that found in Flomentum®, are likely important for clinical effectiveness.
“Our panel recognized that the literature on the benefit of saw palmetto extract for lower urinary tract symptoms was specific to a high-quality extract used at 320 mg daily,” said lead author Dr. J. Curtis Nickel.
The Urology Care Foundation reports that an enlarged prostate impacts about half of men aged 50 to 60 and 90% of men over the age of 80. Many of these men will experience lower urinary tract symptoms, such as increased urination, sudden urgency and a weak stream. These symptoms can reduce overall quality of life, including disrupting sleep.
“This 2022 review suggests that a high-quality saw palmetto extract can play a positive role supporting the care physicians’ provide to aging men in the United States,” said Dr. Leigh Vinocur, board-certified physician and chief medical officer of Flomentum Health.
Flomentum is the first and only USP Verified prostate health supplement available to men to support lower urinary tract symptoms with no sexual side effects.*^
*Adapted from: Carraro JC, et al. Prostate. 1996;29:231-240; Debruyne F, et al. Eur Urol. 2002;41:497-506; Latil A, et al. Prostate. 2015;75:1857-1867; Pytel YA, et al. Adv Ther. 2002;19:297-306; Zlotta AR, et al. Eur Urol. 2005;48:269-276 ^These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Rethinking the Role of Saw Palmetto Extract for Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in North America
All authors were compensated at fair market value by Valensa International for time spent preparing for and participating in the panel discussion. There was no further compensation of authors for time spent developing, reviewing, and revising the consensus statements or writing the manuscript. Additional potential conflicts of interest include: J. Curtis Nickel: consultant for Valensa International; Bilal Chughtai: consultant for Olympus, BSC, Medeon Biodesign, BD, Astellas, Urovant, and Antares; Cosimo De Nunzio: consultancy or lectures for AstraZeneca, Ferring, Ipsen, Janssen, Omega Pharma, Pierre Fabre, and Sanofi; Jamin Brahmbhatt: consultant for BSC, and Valensa International; Neal Shore, Alexis E. Te, and Bob Djavan report no other conflicts of interest.
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Ben Roselieb MediaSource Office: 614-932-9950
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